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1 - The Independent Leader
2 - The Patient Lover
3 - The Creative Communicator
4 - The Methodical Manager
5 - The The Free Spirit
6 - The Nurturing Teacher
7 - The Intuitive Thinker
8 - The Successful Executive
9 - The Compassionate Humanitarian
11 - The Peacemaker
22 - The Visionary
33 - The Healer
44 - The Philanthropist
This bracelet comes with a Numerology booklet, "The The Free Spirit", by Life Path Bracelets™.
You need variety in everything you do, because you get bored easily. You love to travel, seeking adventure wherever you go. You fight for the freedom of anyone oppressed.
Charlotte Bronte - April 21, 1816
Mary Tyler Moore - December 29, 1936
Beyonce - September 4, 1981
1 - the Independent Leader
3 - the Creative Communicator
7 - the Intuitive Thinker
9 - the Compassionate Humanitarian